Traditional 5 Element Acupuncture treatments are rooted in a deep understanding of the subtle workings of the natural laws within the body.
Balancing these internal forces or elements creates an abundant flow of internal energy throughout the system, supporting the patient to help overcome imbalance of the body minds & emotions 5 Element
Acupuncture has proven to be a safe and effective method of diagnosis
and treatment for thousands of years, which helps to alleviate the
underlying cause of imbalance in the body and not just the symptoms.
Acupuncture can help a wide variety of conditions, both physical and
emotional. It is suitable for males and females of all ages, and can
be used alongside conventional western medicine.
A growing body of evidence-based clinical research is discovering how the body responds to acupuncture and its benefits for a wide range of common health conditions. A lot of people have acupuncture to relieve specific aches
and pains, headaches and lower back pain, or for common health problems like an overactive bladder, fertility problems, menopause and insomnia.
Other people choose acupuncture when they can feel their bodily functions are out of balance, but they have no obvious diagnosis. Many have regular
treatments because they find it so beneficial and relaxing.
Typically eight weekly treatments are recommended. Patients regularly
report feeling better than they have ever felt after treatment with
their original symptoms much improved.
This style of acupuncture elegantly restores our balance and harmony and returns us to the health and well-being that is our natural right.
This complementary treatment can also be safely used in conjunction with regular western medical treatment, prescribed drugs and treatments such as IVF and chemotherapy.
Please feel free to call or email and ask if it may be
useful for your individual needs.
Only disposable needles of the highest quality are used in treatments.
Some clients like to have acupuncture along side our other treatments such as HIFU and Fat Freezing, this is absolutely fine although not on the same day.
Please call 07341931900 to book a treatment
#Healing #natural health # balance# chi #Vitality # stress relief #back pain
First Consultation with Acupuncture £198
( Initial appointment is an hour)
Acupuncture Treatment £97
( Half Hour)
Q2 Foot Spa Detox £54
( Half Hour)
8 treatments done weekly are recomended following the intial consultation. Payment for the course of Acupuncture is paid upfront to confirm your booking. Total 8 x 97 = £ 776
Payments can be made by cash, cheque or credit and debit cards.
Distant Healing £84 (1 hour)
We are also offering this service, telephone consultation required beforehand,
Irritable Bowel
Stomach Pain
Emotional Anxiety
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